Day 1 with Fuzy

Fuzy allows you to easily connect your data sources so you can quickly get on your way to discovering your products' magical moments.

If you’re just getting set up, follow these links for instructions on how to connect your data sources: your in-app user event tracking source, and your CRM and/or transactions source:

Once you’ve connected your tools, Fuzy will automatically sync your historical data, and begin synthesizing that data for insight detection, however there are several areas you can customize to accelerate time to relevant insights:

  • Define your Targets
  • Connect Slack
  • Setup a Metric Watch

1 - Define your Targets

Targets can be selected from any in-app events (pageviews, clicks, etc.) that Fuzy has consumed via integration to your product analytics tool, as well as the default metrics that come preloaded with every new instance.

You can add a new target from either Home or from Targets and select the specific event(s) you care about. Note that Targets can include both positive and negative (an undesirable behavior or outcome) indicators. For step-by-step instructions visit our support documentation here.

Work with your CSM or contact [email protected] if you don’t see metrics.

Setting up a Target

Setting up a Target

2 - Connect Slack

Connecting your Slack workspace will enable you to quickly share and discuss insights, ask questions about your data while in Slack via commands with Fuzybot, and setup automated monitoring and updates to be delivered on the schedule of your choice into a DM or a channel with Metric Watch.

Sharing Insights with the team via Slack

Sharing Insights with the team via Slack

3 - Setup a Metric Watch

You can use Metric Watch to receive automated, recurring updates on the metrics of your choice, as well as Timeline Annotations and Targets, via email or in Slack from Fuzybot. You can then choose which metrics to include, and adjust when and how to receive the digest via the Settings page.

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to connect your Slack workspace and make sure you add Fuzybot to each channel where you want to receive these recurring updates.

🎉 Congrats, that’s it for setup! If you connected your Slack workspace, Fuzybot will notify you know when your first insights are detected.